Baby Shower At Restaurant. We are planning to have a shower in a restaurant and I love so many of the touches you shared in Hosting A Baby Shower in a restaurant. Hosting a baby shower at a restaurant is an unconventional yet practical solution when your home isn't the best place for the gathering.

It's inexpensive to plan and will make all your guests crack up.
There's not much worse than being totally exhausted from socializing, planning, and implementing a party and THEN having to wash dishes/clean etc.
Free places to have a baby shower are out there: in public spaces like a park, your own home, or, if you can find one, a local restaurant that will let you use a room for free. I threw this friend her first baby shower and went all out, spent a ton of money but I was single with no kids back then. By following the few simple guidelines below, you can help ensure the forthcoming bundle of joy gets the wonderful welcome they deserve—and baby's mom gets a well-earned day of fun.
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